Wednesday 5 November 2014

Glove season

This fall and winter I'm hearing is going to be the coldest yet. So with cold weather comes cold hands and who wants that? As little kids our parents have always made us wear ugly gloves but gloves that actually kept our hand warm. Now they have prettier gloves that don't keep our hands as warm but are definitely a must-have for the colder seasons. So don't miss out on a big fashion trend coming soon and get yourself a pair of fashionable gloves!

My opinion on cute gloves is that they have a positive and negative side. Gloves have a positive impact on you because they make every outfit go from a 5 to a 10. They complete an outfit entirely. They also have tons of different styles of gloves. They have gloves with fur, longer gloves that reach your elbows and gloves with unique details imprinted in them.These types of gloves also have their negative impacts, they don't provide that much warmth, they sometimes can be delicate and also can get uncomfortable at times. Overall I think everyone should have at least one pair of fashionable gloves for the colder weather because who wants to wear ugly puffy gloves or even worse have cold hands!


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